
Showing posts from August, 2021

Baby is not eating solids. Help! Learn what to do and when to seek

  Baby is not eating solids and you are getting concerned. Initially, you were excited to introduce solids, however, Baby is showing little interest. Feeding challenges are quite common. Often, small adjustments will improve the situation. This post is about helping parents understand the reasons behind Baby’s food refusals. It gives tips on how to improve the situation and clarifies when to seek professional help.  Feeding difficulties may compound over the years. Early intervention based on the principles of Responsive Feeding is a good idea. Misconceptions about the place of solids You may hear that “food under 1 year of age is for fun”. Perhaps it is not the best way to put it. Introducing solids has specific objectives. They suffer when feeding is problematic. Here’s why a successful introduction of solids matters: nutrition, so babies get additional nutrients, find out more about these important nutrients  here, chewing skills. Children start developing chewing skills. First with