
Showing posts from May, 2021

Stress-Free Mealtimes with Marie France, Dietitian Nutritionist In Melbourne

Has your dining table become a battlefield? Is your child having a difficult time finishing their meal? Do they leave their food on the plate untouched? Is there a lot of misunderstanding between you and your child when it comes to food?  Firstly, you don’t have to worry so much. Almost every second child faces issues with mealtimes and is a fussy eater. So, your child is fine. He/She just needs to discipline their eating habits and should be provided with a proper plan that they can follow to avoid being a fussy eater. To solve those problems for you, we’re here with our stellar course which has won the hearts of many parents. End Your Mealtimes Battle Now You might be confused about the amount of information that is available online about nutrition, but is it necessary that it is suitable to your child’s health chart? You may often do the best research online and start feeding your child with the best intentions for them but how often does fussy eating let you succeed? Right. W